Why $.extend(someObj, anotherObj) might be dangerous!

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Juri Strumpflohner

You often have the need to merge two objects. A common use case is that of combining parameters for a $.ajax call. jQuery has a nice function for that, namely jQuery.extend. The function definition is something like jQuery.extend(target, [object 1], [object 2]). But attention, this might lead to dangerous side effects if not used properly!

Suppose you have an object, obj1 defined like

var obj1 = { 
    value: 1

And you need to execute a request to your backend server with some additional parameters, including the values of obj1. Your code might look like

var sendToServer = function(params, successCb, errorCb){
return $.ajax({
url: "/api/someurl",
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
data: params,
success: successCb,
errorCb: errorCb

$.extend(obj1, { value: 2, someOtherParam: "hello" }),
function(resultData) {
console.log("The value of obj1: " + obj1.value);
function(e) {
console.log("An error happened");

On line 14 I’m basically giving the parameters to the sendToServer(..) function by combining those in obj1 with some new ones. This is possible since the $.extend(…) function directly returns the result of the combination of the passed objects.

Can you guess the output of line 16?

> The value of obj1: 2

Surprised?  Well, take a look at line 14 again and then on the signature of jQuery.extend(target, [object 1], [object 2]) . What happens there is a copy of the values provided in the new object, namely { value: 2, someOtherParam: “hello” } onto obj1 , hence overwriting obj1’s property value , setting it to 2.
The correct version of line 14 would therefore probably be

$.extend({}, obj1, { value: 2, someOtherParam: "hello" })

In this version, the values of obj1 and { value: 2, someOtherParam: “hello” } are copied onto a new object {} , thus not modifying the existing instance of obj1.

Here’s a  live example that mimics the odd behavior.  Attention to this!