Juri Strumpflohner


How to Stay Up To Date On Web Technology

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Juri Strumpflohner
The web is evolving extremely fast, especially in the recent years I have the feeling that it really got up to speed. Just think about JavaScript two years ago compared to today. The same holds for the browser vendors. Hence as a web developer you have to keep yourself up to date on the current web technologies. This is important for being able to make your evaluations on what is just trendy and what has future.

Here’s a nice slideshow from Chris Coyier about how to stay up to date on web technology.

My personal suggestions

Here are some of my experiences:

  • be social - yep, also on the web, so “don’t rant, become social and contribute”. There are so many nice places, like StackOverflow, Hackernews, GitHub,… Participate → discuss → contribute → learn
  • share - …what you created, your experiences, difficulties. Create your own blog to do so, it helps a lot in internalizing and reflecting about stuff
  • **follow great people - ** …on their blogs, Twitter, GitHub,…

Resources to Get Started

Here are some starting points mentioned in the presentation and updated with some of mine

Websites and Blogs

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