Role of an Enterprise Architect in a Lean Organization
Juri Strumpflohner
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- map the current state
- present vision to key technical leaders and get feedback, they know why certain things are the way they are
- upon consensus, make current + future state visible to all (not in a Sharepoint folder, or document)
- “build bridges”, become partner and resource for development teams
- When a new project starts, update the team of the latest vision
- Try to avoid getting mired in the details of the implementation
- focus on high level goals and design
- avoid temptation to immediately say no to new technology, discuss, do time-boxed proof of concept, measure, discuss
- success as an EA is only made possible with the support of the development teams
- build excitement of new vision, celebrate the victories (however small)
- try to bind technical changes to business changes
- build community of learning, involve passionate technologists, lead devs etc…give opportunity to share their learnings
- do not force people to attend training and learning activities. Keep ‘em open but optional
- sense of community energizes developers