Everyday Git Commands
Sort Git branches by last commit
git branch --sort=-committerdate
Pushing commits to a PR of someone else
Update: newer versions of the GitHub CLI seems to handle this automatically
When reviewing a PR, you might often see some small change that needs to be made, so rather than pinging the person again, you can just change it and create another commit on the person’s branch.
Usually in an open source project that means to push aGit commit to the person’s forked repository (and to the according branch there).
Identify the forked repo and branch
So in this case that’d be vivekmore:feature/use-more-es6-features
Check out the PR
This can be done very easily using the GitHub CLI
gh pr checkout <number>
Push the commit
Just create a commit normally on your local machine and then push it back up to the forked repository.
git push git@github.com:vivekmore/nx.git feature/use-more-es6-features:feature/use-more-es6-features
Add the -f
if you rebased a commit.
Reset workspace (removing all changes)
The first part resets all changed parts, the clean
also removes new files that have not been staged or anything.
git reset --hard HEAD && git clean -df